Magic graphs


Definition 1.1 : Graph

A graph is a finite set of vertices and edges where every edge connects two vertices.

If G = G(V,E) is a graph, then V(G) is a finite non empty set of elements called vertices and E(G) is a set (possibly empty) of unordered pairs {u,v} of vertices u,v ε V (G) called edges.

The cardinality of the Vertex sex V(G) is called the order of G, commonly denoted by |V(G)|=v=p.
The cardinality of the edge set E(G) is the size of G denoted by    
  |E(G)|= e = q.


In the above graph |V(G)|=p=4. |E(G)|=q=2.

Definition 1.2: Labeling

A labeling for a graph is a map that takes graph elements to  alphabets or numbers (usually positive or non negative integers). Graph elements means Vertices and edges.


Definition 1.3: Bijection

A function f: AB is both 1-1 and onto then f is called a bijection.  In this case every element of B has exactly one pre-image in A.

Definition 1.4: 1-1

A function F:A B is one-one (injective) if distinct elements in A have distinct images in B under F.  In other words f is 1-1 if X,Y, ε A and         X ≠ Y → f(x) ≠f(y) or equivalently f(x)=f(y) → x=y.

Definition 1.5: Onto

A function f:A→B is onto (surjective) if the range of f is equal to B.  Thus if F is onto, every element of B has a pre-image in A.

Definition 1.6: Magic Graph

A (p,q) graph G=(V,E) is said to be magic if there exist a bijection F:VE→{1,2,. …..,p+q} such that for all edges uv of G, f(u)+f(v)+f(uv) is constant.

Such a bijection is called a magic labeling of G. This is also called by edge magic labeling of G.  If Vertex magic, same property holds for vertices.

f(u) + f(v) +f(uv)    = 9
f:{v1,v2,v3, u1,u2,u3} → {1,2,3,4,5,6}

f(u1)  = 1                       f(v1)  =  4
f(u2)  = 2                       f(v2)  =  5
f(u3)  = 3                       f(v3)  =  6

For the edge v2 →f(u1)+f(u3)+f(u1u3)= 1+3+5 = 9

For the edge v3 →f(u1)+f(u2)+f(u1u2)= 1+2+6 = 9

For the edge V1→f(u3)+f(u2)+f(u3u2)= 3+2+4 = 9

For any Magic labeling of G, there is a constant C(f) such that all the edges uv of G,
f(u) + f(v) + f(u v)  = c(f)


f:{u1,u1,u3,u4,v1,v2,v3,v4}→{1,2,3,4 ……9}

f(u1)=1                                    f(v1)=8
f(u2)=3                                    f(v2)=7
f(u3)=6                                    f(v3)=4
f(u4)=2                                    f(v4)=5
In the above figure c (f)=12

Some examples for magic graph:





Definition 1.7: Antimagic

 If there is a bijection f:VE→{1,2,3,….V+E} such that for all edges xy, f(s)+f(y)+f(xy) are all distinct, then G is called anti magic.


Definition 1.8:  Bipartite graph
A Graph G is called bigraph or bipartite graph if v can be partitioned into two disjoint subsets V1 and V2 such that every edge of G joins a point of V1 to a point of Vto a point  of V2  (V1,V2 ) is called a bipartition of G.

If further G contains every line joining the points of V1 to the points of V2 then G is called a complete bigraph.  If V1 contains m points and V2 contains n points then the complete bigraph G is denonted by Km,n.

                        bipartite graph
                      V1 contains 2 points
                      V2 contains 3 points


                  K1,3                                                         K 3,3

Definition 1.9: Star

The graph K1,m is called star, for m>,1.  In a star the vertices of maximum degree is called the centre of the star.


V1 is the centre of the above star
 Definition 1.10: Bistar

A bistar Bn,n is the graph obtained from K2 by identifying a star K1,m at each vertex of K2.

Definition 1.11: Complete Graph

A graph in which any two distinct points are adjacent is called a complete graph.  The complete graph with p points is denoted by Kp. K3 is triangle.





Definition 1.12: Degree

The degree of a point V1 in a graph G is the number of lines incident with V1.  The degree of V1 is denoted by dG(V1) or deg(v1) or simply d(v1).

·        A point v of degree 0 is called an isolated point.
·        A point v of degree 1 is called an end point.


Definition 1.13: Walk

A walk of a graph G is an alternating sequence of points and lines vo,x1,v1,x2,v2 ……vn-1,xn,vn  beginning and ending with points such that each line xi is incident with vi-1 and v1.

The walk joins vo and vn and it is called a vo - vnwalk. Vo is called the initial point and vn is called the terminal point of the walk.  The number of lines in the walk is called the length of the walk.

Definition 1.14: Path

A walk is called a path if all its points are distinct.


Definition 1.14: Cycle

A vo-vn walk is called closed if v0=vn.
A closed walk vo,v1,v2 ……vn,vo in which n>3 and vo,v1,……vn-1 are distinct is called a cycle of length n.
The graph consisting of a cycle of length n is denoted by Cn.

            C3 is a triangle.


Theorem 1.1:

If G is a magic graph and f is a magic labeling of G for which ther exists e€ E(u) such that f(e)=1.
Then G-e is magic.


Let G(p,q) be Magic graph. And f is a magic labeling.

Let  f :VE→{1,2,…..p+q}.

Let  g: V(G) E(G)- {e} → {1,2,…..p+q-1}.
g(x) = f(x)-1. x (v(G)E(G)-{e}).
G is also Magic labeling. G-e is magic.
Hence proved.

         c(f)=11                                               G-e such that f(e)=1

                                                                                                                             G-e                                                    c(f)=8
                                                                   G-e is also Magic.


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